Thursday 1 April 2010

Palm Leaf Fold and Cut Craft

This is a fun Palm Sunday craft that works a lot like cutting out paper snowflakes. The fronds end up being large enough that the children can carry them around waving them for a Palm Sunday parade.


  • printer
  • paper
  • scissors
  • paper clips
  • green construction paper
  • scotch tape
  • OPTIONAL: Green pipe cleaner


  • Print out the template of choice. (the templates have the directions on them)
  • Cut this template along the dotted line.
  • Fold a piece of green construction paper in half and paper clip the template so the dotted line is along the fold.
  • Cut through the template and both layers of construction paper along the black lines.
  • Discard the template (unless you want to make more leaves).
  • Unfold the construction paper to see your finished palm leaf.
  • Tape a green pipe cleaner as a stem
  • Roll a second piece of green construction paper into as tight a tube as possible and tape it so it will stay. Tape that to the center as a stem
  • Close the template window after printing to return to this screen.
  • Set page margins to zero if you have trouble fitting the template on one page (FILE, PAGE SETUP or FILE, PRINTER SETUP in most browsers).

Template (color) or (B&W)

(the templates have the directions on them)