Tuesday 27 April 2010

How to Make a Concrete Tree face

Add character to your garden tree by making it a face. I gave my tree a grumpy face to scare the neighbours!

To make a tree face you will need...
Liquid Latex
Concrete mixture
Steel wire to make hanging loops.

First mould the features of your tree face from Plasticine. Don't make the features less than half an inch thick in any part as the finished item will be prone to snapping.

You also need to consider the tree you are making the face for. If it is a slim tree trunk, you may need to make slim features to ensure they will fit. If it is a fat trunk, you can make larger features. A general rule of thumb is to make the features about the same size as your own.

When you have completed the face, stick each individual part onto a ceramic surface, such as a spare floor or wall tile, or an old dinner plate. You need to make sure that their is about half an inch of ceramic around your plasticine shape.

Shake the liquid Latex and brush it onto your plasticine shape getting in to all the nooks and crannies. You also need to bring the latex down onto the ceramic and paint a half inch area around the shape. This creates a lips on the mould that will be helpful during casting the mould.

Do read the Liquid Latex instructions on the bottle and make sure you use the Latex in a well ventilated room.

Once you have applied the first coat of latex you will find that it makes bubbles on the surface. Blow on the bubbles to remove them. If you do not remove the bubbles you will find that the bubbles will be present on the finished item.

You will need to apply 25 coats of latex in this way. It will take a few days to complete taking the latex drying times into account. It's a good idea to make a tally chart of the applied coats. It is very easy to loose track of how many coats of latex you have added.

When the last coat has dried you can remove the latex from the plasticine and your ready for casting the moulds.

Upturn the moulds in place them in a pile of sand to support them whilst the concrete dries. If you have given your face a big nose for example find a suitable container to fill with sand around your mould to support it.

Mix 4 parts sand to 1 part Portland cement. Make the cement a runny consistency so that you can pour it into the moulds. Once you have filled the moulds, make a little hanging loop from some wire. Make the loop so that the ends cross over - it will look a bit like a fish. Push the crossed ends into the cement at the top of the feature.

Leave the mould in a cool dark place to dry our slowly for 5 days.

You can now turn your tree face out and screw it to the tree. Concrete takes a year to set completely and then it will be at 'full strength' until this time try to be careful not to damage the face - especially the nose.