Wednesday 26 January 2011

Valentine's Tuxedo Strawberry Recipe

Valentine's Tuxedo Strawberry RecipeBy Carolyne Roberts

With fresh local strawberries on sale in the stores and at the roadside here in Central Florida, I thought you would enjoy a strawberry recipe with a Valentine twist. It's a tad tricky but the results are well worth the effort!

Tuxedo Strawberries Recipe

15 Servings

Prep: 1 hour


15 medium fresh strawberries with leaf stems still attached
1 cup white chocolate chips
3-1/2 teaspoons shortening, divided
1-1/3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips


Wash the strawberries and pat until completely dry with kitchen towels. Line a baking sheet with greaseproof/waxed paper and set aside for later use. In a microwave-safe basin, melt the vanilla chips and 1-1/2 teaspoons shortening at 70% power; stirring until smooth. Dip each individual strawberry until two-thirds is coated, forming the tuxedo shirt, allowing the excess to drip off.

Place on your previously prepared tray, and chill for 30 minutes or until set. Melt the chocolate chips and remaining shortening. To form the tuxedo jacket, dip each side of the strawberry into chocolate from the tip of the strawberry to the top of vanilla coating. Repeat on the other side, leaving a white V-shape in the center. Set the remaining chocolate aside.

Chill the strawberries for 30 minutes or until set. Remelt reserved chocolate if necessary. Using the melted chocolate, pipe a bow tie at the top of the white V and three buttons down front of shirt. Chill for 30 minutes or until set. Store in the refrigerator, in a covered plastic container for a maximum of 1 day.

Carolyne Roberts - A Master Gardener in Hillsborough County Florida. Visit our Blog to learn more about Gardening in Florida, this Blog was set up to enable us to interact with our community and share the Joys of Gardening.
