Wednesday, 31 August 2011

How to make a Christmas Robin Cushion for your Sofa this Christmas

Christmas is coming and the sofa needs a touch of Christmas cheer - the Christmas Robin Scatter Cushion is a quick and easy Christmas decoration for your sofa and practical too. Made from left over scraps of fabric, the Christmas Robin Scatter Cushion is cheep to make and looks adorable. Make a few to fill your sofa and to keep you snug and comfy all through Christmas and into the new year.

To make a Christmas Robin Scatter Cushion you will need...

Scraps of left over fabric,
Stuffing and the Christmas Robin Scatter Cushion pattern - Print it for free here.

First cut out the pattern, and then cut out the fabric pieces leaving your self with a seam allowance around each shape.

Once you have all your pieces, lay the Robin's front main-body piece out flat, and align the Robin's red breast in place on top of it. Turn the edges of the top of the Robin's red breast under itself to make a hem. To make this easier, sew running stitches across the top of the Robin's red breast before folding the fabric under itself. The tacking thread can be removed at a later date. There is no need to hem the sides of the Robin's red breast, because these will be tucked underneath the wings however, if you are using fabric that is prone to fraying, you may want to zigzag along these edges. Once you have turned the hem down, stitch the Robin's red breast onto the main body; you can either do this by hand, or use a sewing machine.

Next, place the Robin's wings in place - remember, they cover the Robin's red breast a little, so do not worry. Make a small hem along the inner edge of the wing. There is no need to make a hen on the outer sides of the wings. Once you have done this, sew them down, again either by hand or machine.

To prepare the Robin's inner eye, sew running stitches around the edge. Slightly draw the running stitches up so that the edges turn in. Squash the ball shape flat to make a disc and put a couple of stitches in to hold the shape. When you are drawing up the inner eyes, you must make sure that the two are of an equal size. Pin onto the Robin's outer eye, and then stitch this into place. Then, use running stitches on the outer eye, pulling the stitches and making a hem in the same way.

Turn the edges of the Robin's beak inwards to make little hems, and tack down. This will hold the beak in place while you sew it onto the Robin's main body.

Pin the features to the Robin's main body part, so that you have a pleasing expression on the Robin face and sew them in place.

Zigzag or overlock, all the way around the edge of the Robin's front and back main body pieces. Then, with right sides together, and sew them both together, leaving a gap at the bottom for stuffing. Then, turn the right sides inside out, and fill the Robin cushion with stuffing until pleasantly plump. Finally sew the opening closed.