It’s not easy to find a medieval style handbag on the high street that would accompany a medieval princess style dress, but you can make a little decorative medieval looking pouch quite easily.
This little medieval bag pattern makes up a small drawstring shoulder bag which is fully lined. If you have made the medieval dress yourself, the bag can be made in left over fabric to match the dress.
To Make a Medieval Bag or Pouch you will need...
A sheet of A4 paper to make a pattern,
2 pieces of contrasting fabric,
Some lining material,
Some lace or ribbon for embellishment,
A length of cord and a tassel of the same colour,
A chunky bead and a smaller bead,
A length of wide elastic in a similar colour to the lining material if possible,
And some strong glue.
To make the Pattern
Fold the A4 paper in half long ways to make a long thin piece. Then fold the paper in half the other way to reduce the length of the tall strip, and then unfold this second fold. This crease is a marker.
From one end at the fold, begin to cut a triangle from the point going out to the where the crease and the side edge of the paper meet. You are aiming to cut out a shield type shape.
This is your medieval bag pattern.
Cutting the Fabric
You will need to cut 2 bag shapes from the lining material and the main colour material.
If you are using a fabric with a nap, make sure that the nap strokes down the bag to the tip.
Once you have cut out the full pieces, cut along the marker crease on the pattern and discard the square shape. Cut our two pieces of the triangle shape, from the contrasting fabric. Turn the straight raw edge of the fabric over and press.
Sewing the Bag
Sew the two lining pieces around the long edges and the point.
Set out the two main bag parts and lay on top the contrasting fabric. Where the two fabrics join, lay on a length of ribbon or lace. Pin everything into place before sewing.
With the two embellished bag parts, right sides together – sew together as you did for the lining. Turn right sides out.
Carefully turn down a small hem (1 cm) around the opening of the bag and pin in place.
Push the lining into the bag, and again fold down a small hem and pin it to the main bag hem just below the top edge. Sew the lining to the main bag.
Gathering the Top
The neck of the bag is gathered with wide elastic about 2 inches from the top edge. Firmly attach the end of the elastic to the inside of the bag on a seam. Then set the sewing machine to large zigzag stitch to sew along the elastic. Pull the elastic tightly as you sew, this gathers up the fabric of the bag. Sew all around and then finish off neatly.
This opening can be left as it is or you can add some Velcro if you want to seal the bag more securely.
Cord Embellishment and Tassel
Starting on the lowest most point of the bag, pin the cord that is to be used for the handle along the side seam of the bag. Follow the seam all the way up to the gathered top, and then leave a length of cord for the handle (enough to allow the bag to sit on the hip when worn over the shoulder is ideal) Then follow the seam down from the gathered part back down to the point on the bottom of the bag. Use some tape to seal the ends of the cord to prevent it from unravelling. Sew the cord into place.

To Attach the Tassel
Cover your taped cord ends in glue and push on a chunky bead that secures the cord ends inside it. Then slip a bead onto the tassel, and poke the tassels loop up into the glued part of the first bead. A cocktail stick is a handy tool for this task. Leave the bag to one side for the glue to dry.
A Notice for Medieval Men
It was considered a token of affection to present one's lady love with a bag, so you had better print off this pattern and make that special medieval lady in your life a medieval drawstring bag.