To make the Tudor Prince hat you will need...
Fabric (thick fabric which folds its form is great.)
Feathers and braiding to embellish.
Make yourself a pattern. The main part of the hat is simply a circle of 18.5 inches or 47cm in diameter.
The head band is a rectangle sized 12 inches or 31cm by 5.5 inches or 14.5cm. The smaller edge should be placed on the fold of fabric so that you end up with a piece that is double the length.
Cut one of each pattern piece from the fabric.
Sew a row of running stitches around the edge of the circle and draw up slightly. leave the thread hanging for later.
Take the headband and pin it with right sides together to the gathered edge. Arrange the gathers so that the circle raw edges fits the top of the headband. You may need to gather more or let some gathers out. Once pinned into place, sew the ends of the headband together to complete, fold the seam out flat and pin to the main part of the hat.
Sew the head band to the 'circle'.
The headband should now be folded in half so that the right sides are out, and the raw edge folds inside the hat. Make a hem fold on the raw edge and place the fold just above the previous row of stitching. Sew this hem into place.
If you wish to add some gold braiding, pin it into place close to the fold on the headband, and sew into place making sure the braid ends are at the back of the hat.
Or you can add feathers or tassels to the front left of the hat. Sew neatly into place.
This pattern size is to make an adults hat with a head circumference of 24inches.