Learning how to make tissue paper flowers is an easy and creative way to spend your time. I was unfortunately involved in a horrific accident a while ago and bed ridden for months as a result of this accident. With all this time on my hands, I decided to read up on different ways to express myself through the art of making them. This hobby is so relaxing that I recommend it to anyone, no matter what their age or creative ability.
There are only a handful of items that are needed to create a paper tissue flower and most of them can be found right around your house. You need some tissue paper and a pipe cleaner, a pencil, a pair of scissors and a ruler. Then you will have everything needed to start and complete your project.
You can begin by folding each sheet the width of a pencil (accordion or fan style). Then lay all the sheets on top of each other making sure all the creases meet. Then fold the whole thing again, and put the pipe cleaner in the middle of the accordion. Now wrap the pipe cleaner two times around the accordion and fold down the top of the pipe cleaner and twist. Then, you will carefully cut off each of the ends of the accordion, making the corners round. Then carefully fan out all the sheets so none are stuck together until a fluffy flower appears.
Whole flower bouquets can be made in a broad range of sizes and colors. The petals can be folded or cut at any size imaginable. You can make larger or smaller flowers depending on your taste.You can use many different types of colored tissue paper when designing these flowers. This will create multi-colored blossoms that will be one of the main topics of conversation at your next house party. Tie-dye or colored splashed tissue paper flowers can be used to bring some color to a dull, dreary room or to cheer up a sickly person.
A couple of months ago, I was visiting a dear, old friend in the hospital when I realized that tissue paper flowers would lighten, and cheer up her room drastically. Because she was deafly allergic to real flowers my tissue flowers were the key. The next day I returned to the hospital and brought a vase full of my multi-colored flowers and gave it to her. She was so happy that she began to cry. Thirty plus years I have known this lady and I never saw her so happy, and it gave me this feeling of warmth all over my body that is unforgettable.
There is nothing better than the feeling you get when you look at the finished product. I cannot begin to explain the satisfaction you will get from this inexpensive old pass time. Our great grandmothers, and their grandmothers made these flowers and now we can enjoy this sensational hobby also.
As I said before, its an inexpensive hobby with numerous amounts of paper tissue flowers that can be created. It very therapeutic process that is used in most nursing homes today. It helps to loosen up the fingers of patients with joint pain problems while keeping their minds working and learning. There are no limits on what the imagination can visualize and the rewarding challenge of making these flowers is one of the ways.
I hope you will consider mastering a skill that is just simply amazing to have. You will be thankful you did.
Erich Simko is an avid and enthusiastic Paper Flower creator, Origamist and Arts and Crafts buff. Learning How To Make Paper Tissue Flowers in particular has helped him through difficult times in his life and he believes it will bring much joy to your life as well.
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